Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Earlier today I posted photos of the boxes I received from a couple of awesome pharmaceutical companies who were kind enough to send meters that I could review for you, and for them.

I received three Verio meters from OneTouch.ca, the Verio, Verio IQ and the new Verio Flex

From Abbot I got the Freestyle Precision Neo.  I can't wait to start using these meters so that I can review them for all of you!

And, as promised, I took video of the unboxing - but I'm afraid it's in 3 parts as first my phone ran out of space, and then my daughter came in and interrupted me - but then offered to be my camerawoman for the last bit.

So, please enjoy the unboxing!!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 (coming soon - It's 1AM.  I'm tired and don't feel like fighting with my slow internet anymore.  I'll post the rest tomorrow (well, really today).