Thursday, April 21, 2016

Welcome to Sugar Free Mamma Be(a)r

Hi there!

If you've found your way here, either you're a friend of mine and I told you about this blog, or you're looking for information on diabetes or how to live a sugar-free lifestyle.

Whatever your reason for stumbling upon my blog, I thank you for visiting and I do hope you'll stay and visit often.  Comment.  Learn.  Contribute.

I try to be funny, honest and am extremely sarcastic.  Fair warning.

My Story
In 2012, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The diagnosis was not surprising or shocking.  My doctor and I had been monitoring my HbA1C for a year or so already, so the official diagnosis was not at all surprising. 

It did, however, become the slap upside the head to actually start taking care of myself and make the lifestyle changes I should have been making already.  I have PCOS, so it's entirely possible I wouldn't have been able to avoid the diagnosis anyway.

Once I had the diagnosis in hand, and a healthcare team in place, I started to read, learn, research (well, more reading), study, listen, ask questions, try new things, ask more questions and learn more.

That brings us to:

The Blog, the Reasons and What this Blog Will Be and What It Won't Be
I got the idea to start this blog when I looked at all the glucose monitors I have collected over the past few years, and when someone in one of the support groups I am a member of on Facebook asked a question about monitors.  Why not review the variety of monitors I have, and see if I can't keep on top of new ones as they come to market?

I have a lot of monitors from a variety of sources - a friend gave me a few of his old ones, along with a ton of test strips (if you're newly diagnosed, just know - you will find test strips EVERYWHERE). I plan to review the ones I have so that anyone reading can see what the monitor does, and whether to invest the money in a certain brand or model. 

I'll also share what I learn about this disease from new research from reputable sources, and how certain therapies and such work for me.

Which brings me to a very important piece of information:

I am not a doctor.  I am a mom.  I have an understanding of medical science both from the fact that I pay attention to my doctor and I have worked in the medical field - but as an Administrative Assistant and not a doctor

I say that because while I will talk about how things work for me, these are therapies, treatments or diets that I have discussed with my doctors.  I implore you to discuss anything you are interested in trying with your medical team.  This blog is not a medical blog. It's a personal blog and any research I post will be linked to its original source.  Again, I AM NOT A DOCTOR and this will not be a place where medical advice is handed out.  This is not a place where you will find the latest MLM "cure", or information from dubious sources.  Anything you read here that is not my own 'research' or reading will be linked to its original source.  And if you feel a source is missing - again I implore you to bring it up to me, so I can ensure the link is ... uh ... linked, and that you discuss with your medical team.

My diabetes is not your diabetes, and your diabetes not my diabetes.  What works for me may not work for you, what works for you may not work for me.  I will not be handing out medical advice beyond "if you want to try it, please speak with your doctor before you change ANYTHING".

So, please, stay, chat, grab a cup of coffee (with sugar free sweetener, of course!) and enjoy.

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