Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Earlier today I posted photos of the boxes I received from a couple of awesome pharmaceutical companies who were kind enough to send meters that I could review for you, and for them.

I received three Verio meters from OneTouch.ca, the Verio, Verio IQ and the new Verio Flex

From Abbot I got the Freestyle Precision Neo.  I can't wait to start using these meters so that I can review them for all of you!

And, as promised, I took video of the unboxing - but I'm afraid it's in 3 parts as first my phone ran out of space, and then my daughter came in and interrupted me - but then offered to be my camerawoman for the last bit.

So, please enjoy the unboxing!!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 (coming soon - It's 1AM.  I'm tired and don't feel like fighting with my slow internet anymore.  I'll post the rest tomorrow (well, really today).

Monday, April 25, 2016

Look what came!!!

It's like Christmas (Or Hannukah) in April!!

I'm so excited.  Tonight I'll be doing my very first unboxing video ever.  I had these delivered to my office, so I would be sure to get them and I wouldn't have to run to the post office after work - or *gasp* tomorrow to get these!!

I wound up opening the top box because I thought it was something else.  But it's another meter for review.  The bigger box on the bottom - that came from Johnson & Johnson and should contain three Verio meters - the Verio, the Verio IQ and the new Verio Flex.

Watch out for tonight's video!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Rabbinical Changes to 800 year old Passover Law

Last night was the start of the eight day Passover holiday.  

In the weeks leading up to the holiday, there was some interesting chattering the Internet and in the papers.  http://www.cjnews.com/news/international/conservative-ashkenazis-can-finally-eat-rice-legumes-during-passover

After 800 years or so, Rabbinic law has changed a pretty major dietary rule for Passover.

If you are Ashkenazic descent and Conservative (and thereby by extension, Reform), you are now allowed to eat Kitnyot, as the Sephardic have done for generations.

For those who don't observe Passover, you're probably wondering, "First, what the heck ilsa Kitnyot? And second, why couldn't you eat it before?"

A Brief History of Passover

Thousands of years ago, the Israelites (Jews), were slaves of Pharoh in Egypt.  After much ... Shall we say 'persuasion'... Pharoh let the enslaved Israelites leave Egypt. But the had to go fast before Pharoh changed his mind. So the Israelites left without time for the bread they were preparing, to rise.  

Blah blah blah, 40 years in the desert and manna from heaven, the Israelites arrived in what is now modern day Israel.

So we commemorate the exodus by holding Seders and eating matzah for eight days.

So Where Does Kitnyot Come In?

For Ashkenazic Jews, that is Jews who trace their heritage back to Europe, Kitnyot was a no no during the holiday. This category of food includes: corn, millet, beans, peas, legumes, and seeds, such as rice.  That pretty much left us eating matzah with butter (because peanuts are a legume and even oils derived from Kitnyot were off limits, so no peanut butter), fish, poultry, beef, some vegetables and eggs and potatoes. Not a very exciting selection for eight straight days.

But this year, the Committee on Jewish Life & Standards affirmed the use of Kitnyot for Ashkenazic Jews. 

What does this mean?  

Well, that now depends on how you manage your diabetes.

I, for one, avoid carbs, so I won't be eating rice and matzah anyway.  But since I do indulge in sushi as a treat, should the opportunity arise, I won't feel guilty about it. Although, I don't actually see it being a problem...

Another plus is that I can eat peanut butter. Which was always off-limits at Passover. As well, my kids  can also eat it. 

How will the new laws affect you?  Tell me in the comments, or shoot me off an email.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Ask, and ye shall receive.

As mentioned in my initial post, I am hoping to offer reviews of the leading brands of blood glucose meters on the market, and helping you, my fellow diabetics, find a meter that does what you need it to.  One that fits your lifestyle, and your treatment plan. 

So, I started reaching out to some of the meter companies - like Bayer, OneTouch, Sanofi, etc.  And I'm getting some responses.

Today, OneTouch got in touch with me and they are sending me not one but THREE meters, extra strips and some control solution (which to date I have never used) for me to review.

How awesome is that!?  So next week, look out for an unboxing video when I get the shipment from OneTouch - I'm expecting to get the Verio, the VerioIQ and the Verio Flex, which is their newest meter.

And following the unboxing, I will start to use the meters so I can review them and post the reviews here, and link them to the companies. 

Thank you, OneTouch!

I am, as always,

Sugar Free Mamma Bear

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Welcome to Sugar Free Mamma Be(a)r

Hi there!

If you've found your way here, either you're a friend of mine and I told you about this blog, or you're looking for information on diabetes or how to live a sugar-free lifestyle.

Whatever your reason for stumbling upon my blog, I thank you for visiting and I do hope you'll stay and visit often.  Comment.  Learn.  Contribute.

I try to be funny, honest and am extremely sarcastic.  Fair warning.

My Story
In 2012, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The diagnosis was not surprising or shocking.  My doctor and I had been monitoring my HbA1C for a year or so already, so the official diagnosis was not at all surprising. 

It did, however, become the slap upside the head to actually start taking care of myself and make the lifestyle changes I should have been making already.  I have PCOS, so it's entirely possible I wouldn't have been able to avoid the diagnosis anyway.

Once I had the diagnosis in hand, and a healthcare team in place, I started to read, learn, research (well, more reading), study, listen, ask questions, try new things, ask more questions and learn more.

That brings us to:

The Blog, the Reasons and What this Blog Will Be and What It Won't Be
I got the idea to start this blog when I looked at all the glucose monitors I have collected over the past few years, and when someone in one of the support groups I am a member of on Facebook asked a question about monitors.  Why not review the variety of monitors I have, and see if I can't keep on top of new ones as they come to market?

I have a lot of monitors from a variety of sources - a friend gave me a few of his old ones, along with a ton of test strips (if you're newly diagnosed, just know - you will find test strips EVERYWHERE). I plan to review the ones I have so that anyone reading can see what the monitor does, and whether to invest the money in a certain brand or model. 

I'll also share what I learn about this disease from new research from reputable sources, and how certain therapies and such work for me.

Which brings me to a very important piece of information:

I am not a doctor.  I am a mom.  I have an understanding of medical science both from the fact that I pay attention to my doctor and I have worked in the medical field - but as an Administrative Assistant and not a doctor

I say that because while I will talk about how things work for me, these are therapies, treatments or diets that I have discussed with my doctors.  I implore you to discuss anything you are interested in trying with your medical team.  This blog is not a medical blog. It's a personal blog and any research I post will be linked to its original source.  Again, I AM NOT A DOCTOR and this will not be a place where medical advice is handed out.  This is not a place where you will find the latest MLM "cure", or information from dubious sources.  Anything you read here that is not my own 'research' or reading will be linked to its original source.  And if you feel a source is missing - again I implore you to bring it up to me, so I can ensure the link is ... uh ... linked, and that you discuss with your medical team.

My diabetes is not your diabetes, and your diabetes not my diabetes.  What works for me may not work for you, what works for you may not work for me.  I will not be handing out medical advice beyond "if you want to try it, please speak with your doctor before you change ANYTHING".

So, please, stay, chat, grab a cup of coffee (with sugar free sweetener, of course!) and enjoy.